Christmas Memories with the Goods

Christmas Memories with the Goods

Christmas in Iowa. Christmas in the United States of America. Christmas around the world.  There are many unique traditions and recipes. But what do we have in common? Memories. Good memories.

Childhood Memories

One of my cherished childhood memories began with disappointment.  An anticipated out-of-state visit to my Dad’s family was canceled on Christmas Eve due to a sudden heavy snowstorm.  We woke up Christmas morning with no presents (we’d opened them earlier in preparation for the trip), no Christmas dinner, and no plans.  So, my Dad took all six of us children traipsing through the snowy countryside.  It was a wonderland of glitter, snow, and ice.  Back home, we tumbled in the door; cold, laughing, and ravenous. Somehow, in the few hours we were gone, my mom had the dining room table decorated with Christmas cheer and piled with aromatic food.  I was speechless.  The magic of Christmas.

Now, twenty years later, I am privileged to see the wonder of Christmas in my children’s eyes.  This week I asked them for their favorite Christmas events.  Here they are: “opening presents”,  “going to Grandma’s”,  “watching everyone else open presents – especially the ones I gave them”, “reading the Christmas story together in front of the fire”, “making Christmas cookies”,  “school break”, “decorating for Christmas”.

Here are two activities, leading up to the holidays, that our family loves to do – baking and games.

Sugar Cookies Recipe


I often take a whole day off just to make Christmas cookies and candy with my children. Here’s a favorite recipe: Cut-out Sugar Cookies

Need cookie cutters, baking tools, or baking ingredients?  Find them at Dutch Country General Store, in person, or online.

Good Children


Levi and I love to play games with our 5 children, ages 9,8,6,3, and 7 months. The older ones love chess, Dominoes, Suspend, Monopoly, Boggle, and puzzles.  The younger ones love Old Maid, Memory, simple puzzles, Uno, and Buildzi.

Don’t tell the kids, but on Christmas Day I want to introduce them to another classic, marbles.

Some of our family favorites from the store

My goal is to lavishly spread God’s hope this season. Merry Christmas! May an abundance of good memories be made and remembered.

-Erica Good

Erica Good Family Dining Expert
Erica Good Family Dining Expert

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