Dutch Country General Store Donation


Last week we had the great pleasure of donating 300 of our FRESH BAKED CINNAMON ROLLS to the Buddy Pack Program for the Hannibal Alliance for Youth Success and Hannibal Public School District #60. The Buddy Pack Program feeds tons of kids everyday throughout the Hannibal, Missouri area and is very much needed, especially in times like these. There are many programs like it throughout the country. Probably a few in your neck of the woods, too.

During these crazy times we really need to focus on doing what we can for each other - big or small - everything (and everyone) can make a difference. There is no limit on how much we should "love thy neighbor" and we try to live by that rule everyday at Dutch Country General Store. What so many of us take for granted is the ability to eat a decent meal. (If you have had the privilege of eating my wife's cooking it's always a great meal!) But, so many kids out there don't always get a good meal, let alone a treat like a homemade style cinnamon roll. You probably know that we are almost famous for our selection of fresh baked items in our stores - pies, cinnamon rolls, cookies, breads, and more. We know the joy a happy, full belly can bring to folks and we wanted to share some of that joy with the kids.

I encourage you, now and always, count your blessings and see what you can do for your neighbors. Lend an ear, lend a hand, lend a dollar, or even a loaf of bread. It doesn't take much to make a big impact.

Hope to see you real soon!

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